Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 3/4 in Costa Rica

Hey guys! Yesterday we finished and published the website for the school, and almost finished the tourist guide. Last night we had a gender meeting where all the girls get together and al the boys get together separately and talk about our lives and gender roles in the different communities. It was super interesting learning about the roles women and men play in the community. But today we are working on finishing the guide and starting the video. Also it turns out the school has a smart board that they haven't touched, the school wants us to find a way of putting it in one of the classrooms. One more project added to the list, but at least we have 2 down :). We are spending the morning at the school working and for lunch our student partners and us are heading to a farm or plantation to spend the rest of the day learning about that and maybe helping out! We are having a blast and can't wait to tell you all about it!

Tables Team 2016